Lerato Boikanyo. Overcoming Obstacles: From Township Upbringing to Tech Career Success

Meet Lerato, a Service Delivery Manager from South Africa who grew up in a township with a single mother and a younger sister. Despite the challenges she faced, Lerato’s childhood was filled with a sense of community, playing on the streets, and a wholesome environment. However, as she approached her teenage years, Lerato saw many of her peers fall into alcoholism, teenage pregnancy, and partying, which made her question her own path in life. Despite her mother’s financial struggles, Lerato was determined to pursue a better future for herself. In this feature, we’ll explore Lerato’s inspiring journey of overcoming adversity and achieving her dreams.

Tell us about your background; Your humble beginnings.

Despite being raised by a single mother and being the oldest sibling, I had a relatively normal upbringing in the township. We enjoyed the freedom of playing in the streets and the sense of community where everyone looked out for each other’s children. However, as I’ve grown older, I’ve come to realize that we faced challenging times. My mother worked tirelessly in the retail industry to make ends meet. Approaching my final years of high school, I witnessed some of my peers and friends falling into unexpected pregnancies, engaging in alcohol and partying. Reflecting on my family background, I knew that this couldn’t be the trajectory of my own life story.

What are you passionate about?

My passion lies in advocating for diversity and inclusion, with a specific focus on empowering young women and girls, especially those coming from townships. Having personally experienced the transformative impact of access to information and resources, I strongly believe that it can change the course of one’s life. My dedication to supporting and uplifting young women and girls stems from my own background and the recognition of the immense potential within them.

How did you come about having a career in tech?

Despite financial constraints, I was determined to pursue education and explore different career paths. Although my initial choice of Industrial Engineering didn’t work out due to limited resources, I took an administrative learnership opportunity to keep moving forward. Eventually, I secured employment and still desired further education. With the recommendation of my aunt, I enrolled in computer engineering at Rosebank College. The tech-related field intrigued me, especially during the time when discussions on cybersecurity threats were prevalent. This sparked my interest and set me on the path to where I am today. It’s a testament to the resilience and determination to overcome obstacles and forge my own path forward.

What do you love about your job?

I find immense joy in working with diverse individuals and engaging in problem-solving. Regardless of the role or job position, I see it as a game of finding solutions. I take pleasure in guiding people from one point to another, addressing any issues they may face, whether it’s troubleshooting technical problems or helping them progress in their abilities. Witnessing innovation unfold, whether within my own job or through projects I work on, is invigorating. The opportunity to contribute to developing new applications or enhancing existing systems for better outcomes fuels my passion. Ultimately, it is the combination of problem-solving, innovation, and working with people that brings fulfilment to my work.

What traits or skills does one need to grow in this field?

In addition to technical qualifications, having strong people skills is crucial for career advancement. Building relationships, effectively communicating your value, and showcasing your skills are essential to stand out in the industry. Being able to articulate your expertise is vital, as remaining silent may hinder recognition and opportunities. LinkedIn is an often underestimated platform, but it can be a valuable tool for professional growth. Keeping your profile updated and complete increases your visibility to recruiters, who may reach out to you for potential opportunities. Therefore, mastering the art of communication, both in person and online, is key to excel in this field.

What is the most challenging thing about your job, and what have you done to overcome it?

Being a woman in this industry can be challenging, as I recently experienced an incident that I believe was ageism. It occurred during a session where an application issue was being resolved, and I was responsible for communication. However, a gentleman addressed my colleague instead of me and spoke in a disrespectful tone. In that moment, I raised my voice and asserted my presence, setting the precedent for future interactions. Later, I reached out to him privately to express my dissatisfaction with his approach. Speaking up and confronting such situations has become important to me as I’ve grown in my career. It is crucial to address instances where I am spoken over or not treated professionally. As a woman in a decision-making position, it is necessary to voice my opinions and be heard, despite the potential for further incidents requiring me to assert myself.

Who do you look up to? And how have they contributed towards your growth?

One person I greatly admire is my mother, who despite facing numerous challenges and limited opportunities, demonstrated incredible resilience and a determination to choose life. Her example inspires me to embrace challenges with strength and grace. I also find inspiration in women who defy societal norms and expectations, reminding me that if they can achieve success, so can I. In terms of spirituality, Sarah Jakes, a pastor’s child, resonates with me as she navigated her own path and emphasized the importance of authenticity over perfection. These individuals have profoundly influenced my perspective and motivated me to strive for personal growth and success.

How important is it to surround yourself with a community of like-minded people?

Surrounding oneself with like-minded people is crucial as it creates an environment of growth, mutual support, and collective impact. By connecting with individuals who share similar values and goals, we can inspire and motivate each other, leading to personal and professional development. Additionally, communities of like-minded individuals, such as women or individuals in general, provide a sense of belonging and understanding, fostering open discussions and the exchange of ideas. Ultimately, being surrounded by like-minded people accelerates progress and amplifies our positive impact.

What do you want to be remembered for?

During the course of my life and career, I aspire to be remembered as a woman who wholeheartedly dedicated herself to creating meaningful change. Specifically, my desire is to leave a lasting impact on the lives of young girls and young women, empowering them to embrace their full potential. I aim to be known as someone who lived with genuine passion and authenticity, wholeheartedly pursuing my goals and inspiring others to do the same. Ultimately, my goal is to be remembered as an individual who made a positive and lasting difference in the lives of those around me.

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